Assignment 3: Binary trees and Huffman coding

Date: 22-02-2017
Deadline:03-03-2017 23:59


You must implement a data (de)compressor and exercise your understanding of binary trees.


Your deliverable must contain two programs encode and decode, behaving as detailed in the next section.

You must submit your work as a tarball [1]. Next to the source code, your archive must contain a text file file named “AUTHORS” containing your name and Student ID(s).


Behavior of the encoder and decoder programs

The encode program must:

The decode program must read data from its standard input:

Then prints on its standard output the result of decoding the provided input using the provided tree.

Order of work (strongly suggested)

  1. Implement the missing print_tree() function which represents its tree argument using RPN notation:

    • a single node tree with node value X is printed as X.
    • the binary tree with two children X and Y is printed by printing X, then printing Y, then printing ".".

    For example this tree:

     /  \
    A   / \
       B   C

    Will be printed as: ABC..

    And this tree:

      /    \
     / \    C
    A   B

    Will be printed as: AB.C.

    You can test your print_tree() at this point by uncommenting the print_tree() call in decode.c and running ./decode with any kind of input. This will use the fixed tree generated by fixed_tree(). Verify that your output matches that tree.

  2. Using the provided example Huffman tree in the code as constant tree input (ignoring the command-line argument), complete:

    • the definition of the code struct (you need to decide this yourself);
    • the function compute_code_table() which translates a tree to a code table,
    • the function print_code() which prints the encoded sequence of 0 and 1 character for each input character.

    This way, the provided encode program can use both your print_tree function from step 1 and your algorithm in this step to produce a coded tree and a coded input valid for the provided decode.ref program. You can then use decode.ref to check whether your work up to this point is correct. The command echo "abca" | ./encode  | ./decode.ref should print abca.

  3. Again using the provided example Huffman tree as constant (ignoring the first line of input), complete the main() function of decode to decompress input data using that tree.

    You can then use your encode program from step 2 to check your newly minted decode program.

  4. Complete your decode program by implementing the missing load_tree function which reads a tree definition created by print_tree and re-creates the corresponding tree. Hint: you may want to use the generic stack implemented in stack.c.

    Then you can use the provided encode.ref to check that your decode program can now handle inputs with different trees. Check if the trees printed by encode.ref and decode match. The command echo "xxyzzz" | ./encode.ref | ./decode should print xxyzzz.

  5. Complete your encode program by writing the compute_tree() algorithm that creates an optimal Huffman tree from the input, instead of using the provided example.


Your grade starts from 0, and the following tests determine your grade:

The following extra features will be tested to obtain higher grades, but only if you have obtained a minimum of 5 points on the list above already:

Overview of Huffman coding

Algorithm to encode the data:

  1. Compute frequency table of input
  2. Translate the frequency table to a tree - This is where the encode program in this assignment also prints out the coding tree.
  3. Translate the tree to an encoding table
  4. Use the encoding table to encode the data - This is where the encode programs emits the encoded output.