Control structures: if

Like a recipe tells the cook what to do, a program tells the computer what to do; in imperative languages like Java, lines in the program are imperative statements and you can imagine the computer running the program by pointing to each line in turn, like a cook follows the statements one after the other.

In a recipe, sometimes you find conditional instructions: “if you have parsley available, use three ounces of parsley; otherwise, use a branch of thyme.” This instructs the cook to do different things depending on what he/she has available at the moment the recipe is used.

The corresponding construct in imperative language is the conditional statement, defined as follows:

Conditional statement:


if ( <expression> ) <block-or-statement>

[ else <block-or-statement> ]?

(the keyword “if” followed by an expression between parentheses, followed by either a statement block between “{” and “}” or a single statement, followed optionally by the keyword “else”, followed by either a statement block or a single statement.)


The expression between parentheses, also called conditional expression, is evaluated first. If its value is equivalent to true, the first block-or-statement is executed, otherwise, the first block-or-statement is skipped, and if there is a “else” part, its block-or-statement is executed instead.

For example:

if (x > 0)
    System.out.println("x is positive");

(if x is positive, the program prints “x is positive”; otherwise, nothing is printed)


if (x > 0)
    System.out.println("x is positive");
    System.out.println("x is zero or negative");

(if x is positive, the program prints “x is positive”; otherwise, the program prints “x is zero or negative”)

Relational operators

The condition can contain any expression, or formula, that computes a value that is either “true” or “false”. For this you can use the following operators in most programming languages, also called relational operators:

Operator Description
x == y tests if x is equal to y
x != y tests if x is different from y
x > y tests if x is strictly greater than y
x < y tests if x is strictly lower than y
x >= y tests if x is greater or equal to y
x <= y tests if x is lower or equal to y


Beware of the difference between the single “=” and the double “==”. The first is the assignment operator, and “x = 3” means “change the value of the variable x to become 3”; the second is the test for equality operator, and “x == 3” means “test whether the value of variable x is equal to 3”.

In Java, the relational operators are designed primarily to compare numbers; in particular you cannot use them to compare character strings (String). You will see later how to compare strings in Java.

Also, you must compare things that are comparable; in particular, both sides must have comparable types. For example it is not possible in Java to compare a value of type int with a value of type double. When in doubt, always ensure both sides have the same type.

Nested conditionals

The one or two “branches” of a if statement are themselves statements, so we can combine a if inside an if. This is called nesting: using a control structure “inside” of another. For example:

if (x == 0)
   System.out.println("x is zero");
   if (x > 0)
      System.out.println("x is positive");
      System.out.println("x is negative");

In this example, the expression “x == 0” is first evaluated. If it is true, the first message is printed. Otherwise, the second if is executed and the expression “x > 0” is evaluated. If it is true, the 2nd message is printed. Otherwise, the 3rd message is printed. In this example, the 2nd if-else construct is nested within the 1st if-else construct; more specifically it is nested in its “else branch”.

Conjunction, disjunction and negation

Say you want to write a program that prints a message “working age” if the age of a person is between 18 and 67. The relational operators seen above only have 2 operands left and right; to establish within the age falls within the range, you must thus combine two different conditions. For example:

if (age >= 18)
   if (age <= 67)
       System.out.println("working age");

This type of combination, called a logical conjunction, or “AND relation”, happens so often in programs that most languages have a simplified notation; in Java this is noted “&&”:

if (age >= 18 && age <= 67)
       System.out.println("working age");
Value of x Value of y Value of x && y
false N/A false
true false false
true true true

Similarly, say you want to offer a reduced price for people under 18 or above 67. For this you need a logical disjunction, or “OR relation”. In Java, another operator exists for this and is noted “||”:

if (age <= 18 || age >= 67)
       System.out.println("reduced price");
Value of x Value of y Value of x || y
false false false
false true true
true N/A true

To complete this set of logical operators, programming languages almost always also provide a general operator that “inverts” the truth value of a condition. This is called negation; in Java, this is noted using an exclamation mark (“!”) followed by the condition to invert:

Example Equivalent to
!(x == y) x != y
!(x != y) x == y
!(x < y) x >= y
!(x && y) (!x) || (!y)
!(x || y) (!x) && (!y)
Value of x Value of !x
true false
false true

Important concepts

Further reading